Photography Blog Retirement Trip 12/14/2021

Rick Rivera. So I officially am retiring from my job with the Department of Veterans Affairs on December 31, 2021. I have some annual leave left so I decided to take them before I retire. So my last day at work was December 8th.  December 14th I took a road trip by myself to west Texas. Big Bend National Park. The drive wasn’t too bad since upgraded  my auto. Anyways, the ride was fun, eight hours. The ride after getting off of I-20 was almost secluded, second guessing myself if the GPS was sending me to the wrong location. I got there around 2PM ish and the park was freaking amazing, beautiful, so darn pretty. The weather was just perfect. Sun shining, temperatures around 80, not hot at all. I drove into the park got to the gate, had my park pass, Ranger says, welcome, gave me a sticker and I was on my way. The only one in line. I was shocked. I guess I expected long ass lines but nope. And the road ahead just appeared to keep on forever and towards these beautiful hills and mountains. I was in awe, feelings of fear and wonder. I thought where is this road going to take me. Will I make it to the campsite before sunset? Hell, my first time camping on my own, I had no idea what to expect. So, I kept driving to what appeared to be shining objects miles ahead of me. A building? Cars? Who knows? Meanwhile I was driving slowly looking around at what was dry mountains and landscape, but still beautiful as ever. I thought this is so cool. If I could only bring everyone I knew with me to see how beautiful this place really is, so quiet, so warm, so……lonely. Well I made it to the camp ground and it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I stayed for one night. I’d hate to be stuck on one of these roads at night, I’d probably be terrified. 

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